I’m Moving to LA!!

Hey guys so because I was having issues with posting on my site I am now adding all of the posts that I wanted to add before. The title of this blog post is “I’m Moving to LA” but I actually have already moved ( a few weeks ago). I am now in the process of getting settled in and all that jazz. If you have any questions about making the move, please leave it in the comments below. I am originally from NY and it has always been a dream of mine to move to LA. While I am a singer and an actress, that is not the main reason I moved to LA. I moved to LA because I really love LA and the weather. I am so excited to be on this new journey and will try to share parts of it with you all. Thanks for reading and watching! If you haven’t subscribed to my blog or my youtube, what are you waiting for, click that subscribe button ha ha.

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