Tag: love

Don’t Text Me When You’re Bored or Lonely
Don’t text me when you’re bored or lonely. No seriously I mean it. Have you ever gotten a text from someone and had no idea who it was, because you had deleted that person’s number years/months ago because things never worked out? Well this too often happens to me. I don’t know what it is with some guys but I will date a guy or just talk to a guy and we won’t talk anymore for whatever reason and then boom I get that random hey whats up text (-_-). Who are you? No seriously who are you? Cause I am not the one you hit up when you are lonely or bored and I will call you out on it. Too many times people think that they can just hit you up out of nowhere because they need to be entertained. Well if this has ever happened to you I want you to tell that person to entertain themselves, go play with a yoyo and kick rocks with open toe shoes because you know your worth.
I am going to talk about two instances that happened in which I was completely puzzled. A few months back I got a text and it said “hey whats up Leslie”, I felt bad because I didn’t know who it was, and the person clearly knew who I was and I didn’t have the number saved. So I simply said “oh hey i’m sorry who is this”, the person automatically was like oh forget it etc. They got salty because I didn’t know who they were. Feeling like I may have really hurt someone’s feelings I thought long and hard, I finally figured out who it was and didn’t feel so sorry anymore. It was a guy that I used to talk to, who pretty much wasted my time and who I hadn’t talked to in literally a year and a half if not more. Who does that? I get it if we are friends and we just haven’t talked in a long time or maybe your regretting your past or w.e. But if that’s the case, call me, don’t text me and also if you didn’t treat me good before what makes you think I will just be so ready to jump when you say so. I am not the person that you call after scrolling through your phone while drunkenly reminiscing about the past and you yes YOU reading this shouldn’t be either because you are NOT THE BACK UP PLAN.
The other day I got a text from yet another number I did not know, from someone who I never actually dated or talked to. We met like once, exchanged numbers and nothing really happened and yet boom out of no where they wanted to know how I was doing after years. Pause, WHAT? What are you doing? Stop it! I wasn’t even mad, just a little annoyed. I am not the random booty call and I am not someone who is here to entertain you when you are bored. And you know what, I would appreciate it if people were just honest. I rather you tell me upfront honestly what you want instead of you “BS’ing” about it. This happened to one of my close friends. Some guy who it didn’t work out with had the nerve to hit her up on some “I’m lonely crap”. I appreciate his honesty but if it was me he would have got shut down right then and there. She proceeded to tell him that she had a boyfriend and then he pulled the you’re right I have a girl card too. Stop lying. The truth is he felt played and so he attempted to protect his integrity. But see the thing is his integrity died the moment he wrote “I’m lonely” after years of talking expecting her to jump cause he was now bored and available. The point of this post is to let you all know that you are worth so much more than a RANDOM text. And someone should contact you with true sincerity and not just for the sake of being entertained. Personally I rather someone call me, be real and not pretend like things didn’t hit the fan before. You are amazing, beautiful and a prized possession and don’t you everrrr forget it. Thanks for reading guys.
Budget Holiday Gift Ideas
Hey guys here is my latest video, that gives a list of 5 gifts that are mentioned in my post entitled “25 Budget Holiday Gift Ideas”. Check out my channel for more videos and subscribe. Also if you want to see a specific topic on my blog or youtube just email me at iwantmykissesback@gmail.com
Happy Holidays!!!
25 Budget Holiday Gift Ideas
1- Healthy Recipe book
It is always a good idea to take care of yourself and eating healthy is one way of doing that. Having some recipes can help make healthy living easier.
2- A mug
You can personalize a mug and give it to someone, for ex. “World’s best mom”
3- Candles
I love candles, especially scented ones. And the great thing about candles is that they are inexpensive and you can personalize them.
4- Business card holder
A great gift for an aspiring entrepreneur is a business card holder, and there are actually affordable ones that you can find online.
5- Journal
I love to write and take notes. A great gift idea is a journal that you can get engraved. Making a gift like this personalized really makes it special and it wont break your pocket.
6- Dvd
A dvd of someone’s favorite movie or show is great!
7- Netflix
If you want to give a gift that keeps on giving, give a loved one netflix for $7.99 a month.
8- Magazine subscription
You can give someone a yearly subscription for a magazine that you think they may enjoy.
9- Picture frame
Picture frames are very budget friendly. You can pick one up from target or the dollar store and decorate it and make it your own.
10- Coupon book of kisses and hugs
For those on a very tight budget. This is a very thoughtful gift.
11- Life coaching session
A life coaching session can help a person put their life in perspective and make new strides.
12- A book of motivational quotations
I love anything that sends positive vibes. The more positivity we surround ourselves with the more positive we will be.
13- “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coehlo
You can get someone an inspirational book like this one.
14- Bucket of fun
You can gather a few of the gifts on this list and create a bucket of fun.
15- Game tickets
You dont always have to buy really expensive game tickets, some tickets are super cheap.
16- A Mixed Cd
You can make a mix of songs that you think someone will love.
17- A handmade bracelet
You can always make a handmade bracelet or get one on etsy.com
18- A Gift Card
You can give someone a gift card for one of their favorite stores.
19- Jewelry
You don’t have to get expensive jewelry, in fact there are a lot of deals on jewelry on living social.
20- Perfume/Cologne
Buy someone a perfume/cologne mini of their favorite scent.
21- Wall art
Inspirational wall art can give you that boost you need in the morning. You can find affordable wall art at many stores online.
22- Baked Cookies
If you have a passion for baking, make someone a batch of their favorite cookies. Food always makes my heart smile.
23- Refurbished video game
If you can’t afford a new video game you can always buy a reburished one for a more affordable price.
24- Spa Day
Treat that special someone to a spa day without killing your pockets. You can usually find great deals in your area on livingsocial.com
25- A Romantic Date
And last but not least, take that special someone out for a romantic date, or you can just take a friend to a local show etc.
I hope you enjoyed these budget holiday gift ideas. If you have any other gift ideas, leave a comment. Also if you want me to write about a specific topic, please send them to me at iwantmykissesback@gmail.com

5 Unique Ways To Heal after a Breakup
5 Unique Ways To Heal after a BreakUp:
I know what it is like to go through a break up in this article I have listed 5 unique ways to get over a breakup. I have heard many cliché ways on how to get over a breakup but I think it’s time to reinvent yourself…literally. Hope you like:
1- Go Salsa dancing, I am so serious, it is so fun and really opens you up. You dance with strangers who are just looking to have a goodtime and not worry about the pain from their past. Try it out
2- Watch, “Everybody Loves Raymond and the “King of Queens”- if this doesn’t make you laugh till your belly hurts, then I don’t know what to tell you lol. Seriously try it out
3-Buy an outfit that makes you feel sexy- it will really make you feel great about yourself and then you can look at yourself in the mirror and realize you are so much better without them : )
4- Go to an amusement park and get a sundae, I love amusement parks and well they make me happy- try it out
5- Go on vacation with some friends and realize the world is so much more than a broken relationship. Sometimes people are only there to teach you one thing, we mess up when we confuse seasonal people with lifetime people. Accept the universe and party like it’s 1999 or just do all the things that make you happy and smile.
Thanks for Reading
3 Ways to Keep Him Interested
3 Ways to Keep Him Interested
Sometimes after being in a relationship for a long time things can get repetitive and monoutous. And sometimes men lose interest. Here are some things that you can do to keep him interested or keep the relationship alive.
1) Surprise him. Guys love when you change it up. Unpredictability is sexy. For example: Create a romantic setting/sexy occasion, cook him dinner one day, send him a sexy gift, write him a song, and do it all just because- this will keep definitely keep him interested, guys like mystery, but not too much.
2) Give him time to miss you. Now I am not an advocate for games in which you wait 2/3 days to call, but I think it is always nice to spend time doing stuff with your friends and for yourself and then coming back to your significant other. Distance definitely makes the heart goes fonder.
3) Take him out somewhere different that you haven’t gone too, or some place that you don’t normally go. For example: a broadway play, a live show, a concert, laser tag, beach, picnic, fireworks, exotic cuisine. Or even surprise him with two tickets to his favorite basketball team’s game etc – he will love that you care enough about his interests and not just your own

3 Ways to Keep Her Interested
3 Ways to Keep Her Interested
Sometimes after being in a relationship for a long time things can get repetitive and monoutous. And sometimes women lose interest. Here are some things that you can do to keep her interested or keep the relationship alive.
Surprise her. I cannot stress this enough, women love surprises and even if they say they don’t they do. But it has to be a well thought out surprise. For example: cook her dinner one day, send flowers to her job, write her a song, and do it all just because- this will keep definitely keep her interested, in fact she might be smitten
Give her time to miss you. Now I am not an advocate for games in which you wait 2/3 days to call, but I think it is always nice to spend time doing stuff with your friends and for yourself and then coming back to your significant other. Distance definitely makes the heart goes fonder.
Take her out somewhere different that you haven’t gone too, or some place that you don’t normally go. For example: a broadway play, a live show, a concert, laser tag, beach, picnic, fireworks, exotic cuisine